Wednesday 21 March 2012

Benefit Porefessional Review

The Benefit Porefessional is something I have been using on and off since I got it at Christmas. It's hard to work it into my everyday routine because I never used any sort of primer before this, so I forget it even exsists despite keeping it right next to all the face products I use everyday.

When I manage to remember to work this into my makeup routine, I do notice a difference. My makeup seems to sit with a smoother finish on my skin, and stays put looking fresher for longer. These are all good things so why can't I use it more often?! Frustrating!
It's a nudey kind of colour but appears colourless when rubbed in to the skin. It has a silky texture and a little actually goes a long way, which is good seeing as it's £23.50 for 22ml
Now here is the bare face (top) compared to the 'Porefessionaled' face (bottom)-
The redness in my skin appears more muted and shine seems to be reduced. I think the overall skin tone looks more even and less damaged. The only thing I will say is that it emphasised and dry skin I had on my nose and thus made it more noticable.
I really do like how this product works for me, It's just a case of pulling my socks up and using it more often!
Have you tried Porefessional? Do you struggle to work a primer into a routine?
Buy it from here for £23.50 on the Boots website.


  1. I just recently bought this and love it (and don't always use primer!) x

    1. Thank god someone else is forgetful with the primer! haha! x
