Saturday 10 March 2012

NOTD- Orly Bold Move and Max Factor Fantasy Fire

My nail of the day is a couple of coats of Orly- Bold Move which is a purple cream, and one coat of the elusive Max Factor shade- Fantasy Fire. 

I say elusive but actually, I walked into Boots, not particularly looking for this and just picked it up on my way past the stand. Others Iv'e heard, have a much harder time finding it. You only have to look at the RIDICULOUS prices it goes for on ebay...Over £10 a bottle! it's tiny and retails in Boots for £3.99
Fantasy Fire is lilac in one coat but buildable to the strong purple that's in the bottle. It has multi shining particles that glisten pink, purple, orange, red, blue and as I stare at my nails lovingly right now, green too. You can layer this Max Factor gem over lots of different nail polishes and it looks interesting and different every time!
Bold Move is hard to apply. Maybe it's just me but I found it a little streaky and uneven upon application. If I werent wearing Fantasy Fire over the top to disguise it, I would need 3 coats to get even coverage. That being said it's a lovely rich colour.
The colour change that happens with movement when wearing Fantasy Fire is really hard to capture in a still photo, but hopefully, if you turn a blind eye to the bad paint job, you can see that it's really pretty.

Have you nabbed Fantasy Fire yet? Or currently hunting it down? Just please don't give in to the horrible people who clear out the shops shelves and sell it for triple the price on ebay! They are nail polish monsters!


  1. This looks gorgeous so shimmery :D x

    1. thank you, it's so shimmery, it keeps winking at me ;) x
